Thursday, July 19, 2012

Affirming the Purpose In Our Lives

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.”
~John Mason
A core reason for our unhappiness is discontent with the life we have. It sounds obvious. The truth is we often hunger for another life; or of portions of others’ lives. By instinct, envy grabs us. And we appear helpless against it.
But against this flow is the opportunity to wrangle with our essences of originality.
First we must get to know these essences of originality. Then we explore barriers to the acceptance of these.
Researching Our Past
Whilst some of us have had deplorable pasts, and the rest of us have portions of our pasts we would prefer to forget, we will not progress toward the acceptance of ourselves unless we reconcile the role our pasts have played in the becoming of us.
As persons, we are who we have become.
All of what we have endured has gone into the psychic melting pot that comprises us.
There is no healthy rationale for continuing to endure shame because of what happened to us. We had little if no role in the construction project that was, with our parents and guardians as builders, our childhood. We were subject to the elements at play back then. Even the healthiest of upbringings will involve some sense for ongoing shame. None of our parents were that perfect that they made no mistakes. Besides all this, we were born broken.
Accepting what is gone, by doing the inner work to get there, is crucial in being able to move forward.
Redefining Success
Perhaps this is an exercise we need to continually practice. Creating a definition of success that fits with our unique history and personality is a great task. It is a decision and an action of significant assertiveness.
As we accept our essences of originality, taking stock of who we are, we are ideally placed to know what and who we are becoming.
A life that is throbbing with purpose is a good life. Everyone has the same task. When we discover who we are and what we are about our purpose becomes clearer or is affirmed. We are a success when we are on the right road of our purpose.
We are no carbon copies. A special purpose for life is the opportunity for all. We were born original and true happiness depends on living purposefully in accord with our originality. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to find our purpose and then live it. In that is life!
Who can determine if we are successful? Only we can conclude such an answer.
Only we can know. Only we can make it happen.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

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