Monday, December 21, 2020

For the one who needs prayer... a Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I bow before you in intercession right now for the person who is languishing at the bottom of a pit they can’t get out of.

They feel lonely and discarded, estranged from all care in this life, jaded for what they have given or not received, in feeling unrecognised, misunderstood, conflicted, confused, overwhelmed, forgotten, or even unsure why they feel the way they feel.  They feel at the end of themselves and don’t know where to turn, and they feel under attack from the enemy.

At the moment in time when they most need love and care and support, they feel completely unloved, uncared-for, and unsupported.  You know, Lord, what that feels like, because you experienced that on the Cross, and we have Your words to attest to that.

You know full well, our Lord, just what abandonment feels like.  You know what it’s like to have everyone turn away and betray You.  You, who never did anything wrong.

You are the One that saves us, and it is my request that You would save this one in their languishing, right now.

Give them a sense of Your comfort, of Your Presence, that can only be felt when we are all alone, when no human being is there with us.

Give them Your Presence, and Your Peace, and the Divine Understanding of Cosmic Empathy that they know is from You.

Even as they travail, and pour out tears, and wail, shine Your Light of Love indelibly at this moment right now, or as the psalmist says, “in the morning with joy.”

Give them the cherished miracle that they both need and deserve, even as they reach out with a humble and solemn pleading.

Give this one a sign, a wonder that can only come from You. Make it so certain on their bearing, they know it is You speaking, and they know that You are loving them into being beyond the languishing experience now.

Lift this one gently out of the mire of their depression, give hope to their being, breathing joy beyond their comprehension.

In Jesus’ name,

Photo by Haley Rivera on Unsplash

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