Saturday, December 12, 2020

A prayer for those feeling especially lonely in a crowded life

Whether it’s a fleeting moment, a period of days, an entire season, or even a reflection of most of our lives, there are those times when we feel especially disconnected, paradoxically where there are people everywhere — usually enjoying life as if to rub it in.  There are these times.

This is a prayer for the individual and for the community:

Gracious, Lifegiving Lord

Giver of life in an existence that feels a delight when we’re loved and able to love, and that feels abysmal when there’s a scarcity of love to give and receive, help us reconcile how lonely life can really be.

Pique our interest in the lonely soul, Lord, not so much as to draw attention to what they lack, but to put direct focus on simply connecting with them in meaningful ways.

For the man or woman tonight or today, Lord, who needs to get away to think, to feel, to connect with themselves, who wants to be lonely and needs to be alone, grace them the time and space they need.  Help this one understand their need of loneliness.

Help us, Father, to be the hands and feet and ears and eyes of Jesus, serving the person who wants human connection with the connection they seek.  Help us overcome our desire to insulate ourselves in our own safe cocoon.  Compel contented ones to look outward, to reach out, and to draw the lonely in.

For the person who is lonely to the point of despair just now, right now God; the one about to give life away because their purpose has evaporated into the ether.  By Your covenant presence would You provide a sign for this one?  Please reach into this one’s heart and save them right now before the frantic choice is made.

For the teary this night and this day, would You, by Your power and love make Your presence known to this one, whether instantly or by the morning’s rays of light.  Bear a witness of Your comfort even as this one prays desperate tears of loss and lonely travailing.

For that one missing their loved one terribly, grace this one with hope of a homecoming more terrific than they can imagine.

For him or her who still wonders if they’ll make it, for their losses are incalculably large and incomprehensible, give them the wisp of hope they need.  Encourage them in their courage; the ability to SEE their courage.  Elevate them to believe that there is something wonderful in the future.

For the poor soul who never thought life would or could descend to the present depths, who never thought such suffering were possible, provide a vision for the mountain peak vistas to come.  Make this the anchor for their soul that they need.

Help the one right now, God, who feels the weighty burden to shrink down, and give them the motivation and impetus to reach out, and I pray that they will be met with the warm embrace of inclusion.

For the one who is completely disconnected from the world, themselves and life itself, I pray You open a door of opportunity that they would encounter the most precious connection — connection with the Divine.

Help us all to discern for the spirit of loneliness in all the people we meet.  Help us have the ability to connect with a person in their need.  Protect us from the odious spirit of fickleness and condescending.  Give us the capacity to dignify the one who feels estranged to life itself.

In Your loving and inclusive Name


Photo by Lenart LipovÅ¡ek on Unsplash

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