Friday, November 27, 2020

43 ways your life is significant

1.             Unless it was a dead heat, you beat all the other sperm to the egg.

2.             You survived in utero.

3.             You graduated that dark comfy existence to experience light and breath.

4.             Your body was able to stomach food, grow and thrive.

5.             However little or much you got, you were worthy of and received nurture.

6.             You learned, day by day, year by year, and now look at you.

7.             You stepped faithfully throughout all your school years, facing many exams.

8.             You endured many hundreds of painful events and injuries.

9.             You lost more than you won and yet you kept going.

10.          You overcame fear and anxiety, thousands of moments, more than you had peace.

11.          You believed in yourself, underpinned by God’s belief in you, despite others.

12.          You had others believe in you especially when you didn’t believe in yourself.

13.          You endured dozens of betrayals and hundreds of disappointments and vouched for yourself in that you knew you deserved better.

14.          You loved others well and you knew that your significance blossomed in the love you sowed.

15.          You applied yourself to a pastime, a career, a field of study, a sport — and you became good at it!

16.          You stood upon many lands and locations and you became what those experiences gave you.

17.          You spoke words into being and thereby created your earthly footprint.

18.          You, by just your being here, came to be a reason for others’ being.

19.          You, by just your being here, gave much delight to your Creator.

20.          You were able to sustain 18,000 bodily decisions each second, every second of your life.

21.          For what you can do without thought, with all the wiring and piping in your body, you are a moving miracle.

22.          You made a million life-maintenance decisions last year and you don’t even bat an eyelid.

23.          You have gathered countless possessions.

24.          You made at least one person, and possibly up to a dozen, immensely proud of you.

25.          You think and perceive and walk and talk like no other human being ever.

26.          You have executive decision-making capacity and power.

27.          You have an elaborate array of emotions and you can express your emotions like no other kind of creature.

28.          No matter what you’ve done, you can change the course of your own history.

29.          You have power to create good habits.

30.          The whole known universe is your home, and majesty of creation is reflected in the cosmos that is you.

31.          You have the capacity to bear children or to care for those younger than yourself.

32.          You can be trained to do skills, and taught knowledge.

33.          You have a memory and you have the gift of reminiscence.

34.          You will get to share what you have learned with those much younger than you.

35.          You will get to do many different tasks and roles in this life.

36.          Sorrow and pain, you will learn from just as much, and if not more, as joy and pleasure.

37.          You will many times reflect over life and how you’ve engaged in it.

38.          Many friendship opportunities will be had.

39.          You will have the chief role of loving others.

40.          You will leave a legacy in this world.

41.          You will be the only one not alive at your own funeral.

42.          You will pass from this physical life into mind-boggling eternity.

43.          You will face God.

Photo by Vitor Pinto on Unsplash

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