Sunday, June 16, 2013

Trusting the Silent Counsel for Healing

I HAVE OFTEN written on forgiveness and healing, but I haven’t always gotten to the heart of ‘the how’ of such a mysterious set of divinely-appointed-and-arranged processes. In fact, rarely have I. It’s caused me no end in frustration, but then I rationalise that these are mysteries and I am but one person in the maze of humanity trying to do the same thing as many are.
But, here I am. I’m thinking “How does one person who needs release actually experience the deeply abiding peace of one who knows God’s forgiveness to such an extent they can apply it routinely in their life?”
My short answer consists of investing in the therapeutic practice of what I would call Silent Counsel.
Defining the Practice of Silent Counsel
We may or may not know that there is an amazing power of God unleashed in silence. We hear God speak in the silence, not audibly, but in the depths of nothingness, where nothing else intrudes on the Lord’s quiet Spiritual Presence.
Many things are achieved, spiritually speaking, when we give way to God in the silence.
The Practice of Silent Counsel: sitting with deliberation, silent and empty-minded (yes, it may take some time each time, and practise), where the Silent Counsel of the Spirit of God indwells us—even for an instant. There is memory in the instant. All we need is a taste that God is there, with us in this practice.
We are doing nothing but being silent and available. God does the rest.
Availability is the key; it’s the mood of surrender imposed on one life that seeks, for a short time, the transformation of God—so healing might take place.
The Import of Silent Counsel for Forgiveness
When we talk healing we are really talking forgiveness, and most of the time it’s relational; whether we need to forgive ourselves, experience God’s forgiveness, or forgive someone else, others, or a situation/s.
In Silent Counsel we draw near to the power that can secure for us this vast healing.
We take in all of God as we draw silently close.
There, and only there, may God tip his truth and his love into us by the Holy Spirit. Then we know it. Something has changed. There is openness from within us to try this forgiveness, knowing that God is with us and has empowered us to forgive.
There’s an amazing power of God unleashed in silence. We hear God speak in the silence, not audibly, but in the depths of nothingness, where nothing else intrudes on the Lord’s quiet Spiritual Presence. It’s there where healing may take place.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.

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