Thursday, April 30, 2020

The incredible inside information none of us can ignore

We hardly recognise it, but our world is full of lies in what it tells us.  It’s not people inherently, nor is it about conspiracy theories, but the information we get about ourselves most often is not just unhelpful, it’s highly subjective and so often just plain untrue.
Think about the things that you were told, that you get from another person, who has developed their view.  Contrast those things with what you know to be true from your knowledge of the Word that came from God.
Or consider the things we tell ourselves, when we miss a job opportunity, or we are assessed, or that our bank balance tells us, or our history for that matter.  Maybe there are reprehensible and regrettable things we cannot undo.  Maybe there’s something better than just me our acceptance, which seems impossible in some cases anyway.
We need to come back to the inside information that none of us can ignore, which are the true and undeniable and irrefutable facts that pertain to us.
How often are we not told this?  How often, as we even live in our Christian communities, are we not told this?  How pervasive is it that we live pretty much all our lives within a thinking system that consigns us to misery?
The fact is we are all children of God, and there’s only one condition about this: it’s self-imposed.  We only need to nod at the right times, and we are in.  Nobody can read Psalm 139 or Isaiah 43 or the words, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” which echo right through biblical scripture, and be under any false apprehension.
The facts of the matter that are buried deep inside us, and these can never change, is we are the beloved of God.
“We love because God first loved us.”  (1 John 4:19)  Think of this fact for a moment.  Nobody, no matter who they are, is beyond the reach of love.  Even those who do the worst atrocities imaginable do these atrocities because they have not been loved.  They did the violence because of a lack of love.  Love reaches everyone, all the time.
The reason any of us can be hurt or traumatised from abuse is because we need love and where that has been absent, or worse, the opposite has been done to us, we bear the signs and marks of what was needed and required, yet has not been received.
Our human need of love is incontestable.
No matter what our religion is, what we think of God, what country we come from, what ideology we espouse.
Love is evidence of God.  Because there is love, because of its constancy, and because love is everywhere, whether by its absence or its presence, we can know that God is unquestionably present everywhere, all the time.
The simple matter of belief upon God is of acceptance.  All we need to do is accept the fact that we need love, and that need is met only truly and fully in God.
We can be duped into thinking that our needs of love can be met in other ways.  But what I’ve shown here proves this isn’t the case.  All other love is a conditional love, including human love, because we only need to see that human love always holds out the potential to betray us.  Yet God’s love never does.  God’s love never dies.
God’s love for us, as much as it is perfect, as much as it is unchangeable, as much as it is trustworthy, is all for us, and it can never be disputed.
This is the incredible inside information that never goes away, and remains an eternal truth, all through our lives, that none of us can ignore.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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