Sunday, December 2, 2012

Courage In Claiming One’s Destiny

The truth is only one can: claim one’s destiny.
Courage is the thing that stands between us and our God-purposed, God-shaped and God-anointed destiny. With courage we will bridge the gap between being an also-ran in our own view and touching Destiny’s Golden Ark—success in our own minds.
Destiny must be claimed, and it always is.
We always claim our destiny, whether by intention or not.
We claim our destiny through effort and hard work or by comfort and nonchalance.
For, the work in claiming our destiny is the purpose of our very lives. But only through vision, passion and discipline can we create what God has called us to.
Knowing One Destiny
Bound for heaven we may be, and, because we are saved by Jesus—the most serious decision and ongoing action of our lives—we have the keys that open Destiny’s Golden Ark.
Knowing one destiny—going headlong into that heaven space—means we are prepared to live heaven now. Knowing one destiny is surely the way to heaven today. We can be sure that knowing one destiny will provide impetus for knowing one destiny, today.
This is where we connect heaven to come with heaven today.
God wants both things for us.
If heaven is important it is important today and not just to come. And God’s vision of heaven in this life is the portrait of heavenly abundance in courage to live our lives according to God’s will. There may be no other form of heavenly abundance than virtue for today, for heavenly abundance certainly has nothing to do with material abundance—the so-called prosperity doctrine—unless we’re devoted to giving it away.
When we know one destiny we live a purpose-driven life.
When we live this way all distractions wither and faint into the background, for our eyes are on the prize at Destiny’s Golden Ark: the Pearly Gates of Heaven apportioned to add diligence in following God’s will in our lives.
So, Claim Your Destiny
Only as individuals can we do this: claim our destinies.
We are claiming them in any event. We harness destiny in the decisions we make.
What decisions are we making? What prices are we paying? What payback are our investments likely to give others?
The best destiny to head toward is the legacy for others; what are we leaving?
Today is the day where destiny is made and courage is the tool with which we ply our trade.
© 2012 S. J. Wickham.
Dedicated to the memory of Zig Ziglar (November 6, 1926 – November 28, 2012) #Romans8:28

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