Thursday, December 30, 2021

To be heard, to be seen, to be encountered

Not everyone wants nor feels they need, to be heard, to be seen, to be encountered, but to have one’s soul touched is a serene and eternal gift, much as a gentle massage is.  It takes us into a comfort our soul always craves, much as it is when we’re mesmerised by a fountain or flame.

Those who bear trauma, and so many of us do, those who are open to going down there, into the fissures where pain resides, can find that those areas can be massaged into healing.

We don’t go there with any fabulous or trite formula, as if there are rules to abide by.  No, we go there by faith of unknowing.  Much as I do with my counselling process, I ensure I know nothing so I can be an instrument of God who requires empty vessels so they can be filled properly for the anointed moment.

Anathema for men is to go into the sensitivities of sensuality.  It feels like it’s for women.  But it’s for everyone.  True mysticism is entering into many varietals of the unknown, learning to trust the adventure as hazardous in no way.  Isn’t it ironic that those who put on the façade of strength cannot be weak enough to enter healing, for only in weakness is there strength in the paradoxical economies of faith and eternity.

There is so much healing to enjoy in the presence of many peaceful things, much that healing is not most of all a destination.  God is greatly good to the extent that we can experience healing, and the more we access it, the more we know our way there, and we can choose for it more and more.

A sweet wafting cooling breeze, a mist to buffer summer’s heat, a fly walking on the skin of the forearm, a gentle rhythm of song or melody, and so much more, is peace.

How shall I end this?

Everyone seeking healing will prosper from being heard, from being seen, from being encountered.  And that’s our privilege as we extend it.  When another enjoys it, the presence of healing is profound—not simply for the one, but for both.

That is to hold space.  It’s simply to empty me of me so not only God but the other can fill me.  What a great thing for the senses to be empty of oneself and fully devoted to another for a time.  Counselling is that unique relationship.  For a moment, a minute, ten, an hour or a day.

There’s nothing like being heard or hearing within the totality of presence.  There’s nothing like being seen, and by being seen I mean, accepted for whom one is, a complete lack of judgment, and no condemnation.  When there’s guilt, how could judgment help.  The shame and guilt are evidence that judgment and condemnation are wrong.

The honour of honours in this life is to be encountered, to have one’s soul touched by another soul, which is to be gifted something of the Kingdom of heaven.

Anyone who seeks healing shall soon see.  Find your wounded healer and allow the Spirit to teach you how to do it as you experience your wounds being healed so that you too can be that healer of wounds that your world needs.

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