Saturday, October 12, 2019

A prayer for help for those Coming Out and those being told

O Lord my God,
God of all You created, of every single being who has existed, who exists now, and who will exist, we give You praise that You have made us equal in terms of both our spirituality and our sexuality.
We are all, each and every one of us, made in Your image. May all Christians revere this truth. May You be glorified, even as we herald the wonder of equality in humanity.
But not all of us feel equal, Lord, and that must sadden Your Spirit no end.
Thank You, Lord, that we’re all broken vessels with which You pour Your life into. And, as equals, I thank You that our common brokenness extends to our sexuality, and whatever our sexuality, none of us is perfectly whole.
There is enormous comfort in that; especially for the vulnerable ones who feel like outliers, who have been ostracised, condemned, berated, rejected, abused, humiliated, simply for the expression of their sexuality, or for forces that seem or are out of their control.
For those who abide with this, with these words, we repent of these acts, whether propagated by ourselves in the historical past, or by others in the past, present and future. Help us be patient with all persons, even as we advocate for the sexually vulnerable, but make us to be steadfast for them in the Jesus way. Help us be genuinely penitent, and not in insincere, disingenuous ways. Use us, even us, in another’s healing.
May I be the one who honours the one coming out, whether they are LGBTI+, whether they have sexual or pornography addiction, whether they’ve been sexually or spiritually abused… whatever.
May they be listened to, attended with, believed, affirmed, supported, hugged if they want it, always in the provision of their safety.
May You give me the power to be present with them in such an hour of raw courage.
May You go before those who are coming out and be there with them as they say their words, and may they be Your words that teem out of their mouths.
May they find support, whether it’s parents or friends or pastors or anyone else, who will listen, affirm, support.
Most of all, protection, Lord—Your covering over them as they bravely say what they know needs to be said.
Thank You, Lord, that You are with them, 100 percent of the way, always. Thank You that You know them and accept them through and through.
Thank You for what those who are coming out are teaching us, Lord, about the nature of life, of struggle, of courage, of the biases in our responses, and even of You.
Give each one doing this most difficult thing, Your strength, Your grace and Your favour.
Most of all, Lord, may there be no damage done, and where there is, provide a pathway for redemption.
In Jesus’ all-loving, all-accepting and gentle name,

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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