Thursday, August 8, 2019

A prayer for the one under immense spiritual attack

Oh God
You impress on my heart right now, through a tremendous burden, a crushing weight threatening to oppress my soul, that there is one to be prayed for. One. A person who is lonely, tired, afraid, assailed by life in one of many ways of anguish.
This person is beside themselves with grief in the moment. They cannot stop the flow of tears. Comfort them, Lord. Give them your peace and your acceptance and your hope, even as they feel tormented, rejected, despairing.
This person has decided to obey you in a way that the enemy hates. They have decided to venture the narrow way, and they are paying the price for their allegiance to you. They have lifted their head above the parapet wall and now their soul is vulnerable to one of many manner of assault. Encourage them in their being, Lord.
Oh Lord, it just got harder, interminably harder. The struggle is deep, it’s real, and there is a sense of plummeting. Reach down and rescue, Lord. Go down to the depths as you have over and over and over again. Meet them in their gutted tumult, all-powerful God. Make your presence real to them in their time, for their need, in a way that speaks to them.
I pray that you would give this one the gentle though firm assurance of the immediacy of your presence. Go deep into their visceral parts and massage your grace and comfort deeper below skin, even into those unknown places.
I pray that as you rise up in this one, Lord, that you cause them to experience your raising them up like you either have done so many times before or like you’ve never done before. Give them your power right now, Lord.
Restore them. Reveal yourself to them. Renovate their spirit. Reignite their passion. Relate with them in their soul void. Reconcile this one to themselves and to their world.
Go to this one, now, Lord.

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

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