Friday, December 7, 2018

The trinity of Peace, Hope and Joy

Photo by Evan Kirby on Unsplash
Recently I’ve been tempted. These temptations often come, for me, in the form of discouragement; to doubt people’s hearts, for instance, but most of the time I see everyone capable of good.
One of the concepts I find that helps constantly in pastoral and counselling settings is what I call the trinity (note, small T) of peace, hope and joy. I’ve found that when one of these occurs the other two do too. You cannot be at peace and not experience hope and joy. If joy fills your heart, peace and hope are by-products. Where there is hope, peace and joy abide.
Here, then, is a benediction for the season:
May hope overwhelm any and every despairing circumstance, and may that hope emanate initially as a ray of light that cannot be ignored or repressed. May that light build and flourish so much that, despite your circumstances, your world flourishes, and through adversity you’re shown purpose, even if darkness threatens.
May joy reveal herself to you as the gentle and irrevocable fragrance of contentment welling up to supernatural euphoria. May that presence of happiness that cannot be taken away fill you. Amid even trial and temptation and sword, may that joyous childlike fervour overflow in and through you, especially in irrepressible ways into others’ lives. May your joy not be easily extinguished. And when it is, may its flame rise quickly once more.
May peace abide this day. May there be a deep shalom fathomlessly pervading your being. May it break out like a reformation throughout your life, infecting others in its wake with the hope and joy that seek for nothing external to themselves with which to satisfy. May spiritual prosperity be your entire purpose.
And my grace endure throughout your days.
Amid the constancies of turmoil, conflict, stress, pain and strife, it is wise to turn regularly to good things, where there is much power for peace, hope and joy.

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