Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Wind of Peace and Its Influence Over Anxiety

The causing of anxiety,
Never really changes,
But at least through faith,
Our peace rearranges.
And what’s rearranged,
Is the handling of our coping,
Because joy’s eternally available,
And with peace it fuels our hoping.
PEACE is a wind – the Spirit – as it tends over, through, and in the human being entering into it; what is embraced is accepted and that is also integration. By the desire for peace, the search is initiated, and the discovery is made, for we will do what it takes us to receive peace. And the reception of peace is a great celebration, because we have just enough access to holy resources to get through the anxiousness we bear right now. For, this peace cannot and will not change our circumstances – for that is life – but peace is acceptance, and that, of itself, is the miracle – a thing we cannot understand.
PEACE is a wind – God-breathed – that changes things. It takes the anxious burden into the ethereal, and a fresh and divine perspective may be applied to the circumstances of the day. Peace transcends our perceptions of our ability to contend in the anxiety. With peace, our dimensions for peace are expanded. Peace redefines peace. As we partake, we learn more about what it truly is from what it isn’t – the wind; the Spirit blows into us fresh knowledge from our experience. Such knowledge empowers us and gives us a confidence that we can, through God, sustain ourselves, even in spite of the present degree of anxiety.
PEACE is a wind – the Presence of Christ – as we gaze wistfully into his face in the midst of the trial. For, as Christ suffered, and promised us, each human being, a suffering, we bear the reality of that – and the fact that Christ is with us never more than through our hardships. We may find the perspective alluring and amazing, that, whilst we bear this groaning all day and night long, there is a part of us so intimately connected to the Lord, it doesn’t really matter any more. We are found, within ourselves, to be more than conquerors through Christ, who is risen in us by his Holy Spirit.
Peace is a wind – the Holy Spirit. The Wind is what occupies the entire space beneath our wings of confidence in the midst of trial. Quelling fear, anxiousness, and discouragement, the Wind stabilizes, lightens, and restores.
© 2014 S. J. Wickham.

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