Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Series of Loss, Grief and Brokenness Quotes

Grief is not the making of us nor is it the breaking of us. Grief is simply the generator of transformation. God will do the rest.
Broken a person may be. There may be no hope. But from the ashes rises the great phoenix. And from the ashes of a life burned to the ground comes heat energy for something utterly new.
Loss brings with it a sense for the end of things. There is no road left on which to travel. A new road must be found. Along the road of grief meaning is found, but only by faith.
Grief will end when a new self is unveiled to the self. Grief cannot end until that truth takes hold of our lives.
Brokenness is beautiful in its own time, for brokenness was made only for that point in time. From broken beginnings there is the budding of a blossom that will one day bless the earth with a sweetly fragrant flower.
Lose and we may win, but there is no bruise without the presence of sin. And where a bruise is worn, the battle tirade is torn. By faith alone can we hope for something out of loss.
Grief sends us into an unearthly time and there is no reconciling it. It will take us to the very pit of hell. Let our quiet forbearance eject us from there at the proper time.
Tease out the flax of a plant and there are many parts. Tease out the feelings in grief, of which there may be no limit. But be willing and healing will come.
Loss is a briar. It takes a toll upon everything it touches. Surviving grief is like bearing up under intermittent abrasion.
Play for life and we get to play a game with no knowable rules. But the secret is known in the end. Keep playing.
Broken with no hope is where the wisest sage has been. Even for a short time, such an experience of such a place is awesome, indeed, to come back from.
What we suffer in life is but a small sacrifice for the eternal peace possible in the moment of recovery — yes, in this life.
Be blessed to know that there is much more to life than you can now even know. God is able to deliver us to heaven.
© 2015 Steve Wickham.

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