Monday, August 26, 2013

Playoffs, Momentousness, and Soaking It Up

When a great group of people, all putting their individual talents and gifts together, directed by coaching staff and honed by plans, for a collective winning effort, reaches the grand finale it is a vast achievement, in and of itself. But it falls distinctly flat if they don’t score more points than the other team on Championship Day. It is a fickle reality – so close are two teams to the reality of being champions (in the official sense) but only one can lay claim to such a momentous fact.
But that momentous fact won’t despoil another fact; both teams, as they prepare, only days away, experience what perhaps they may only experience once – a championship reality in the making.
This is momentousness and it is not something that everybody experiences.
Certainly it’s not something that even a few people experience every day. All the hard work, not to mention the good fortune, which has gone into a whole regular season, stands either to be richly rewarded or to be assessed by some as a waste of time – if that can be seen as a fair assessment.
But that is not what this article is about.
Let us assess this issue of momentousness: the mode of soaking it up, such that it provides us positive drive toward the securing of The Prize: a Championship.
The Imagery of Soaking It up
There are so many thoughts and emotions that go into a preparation period. There are nights’ sleeps, for some, that will be interrupted, and certainly thought patterns will be driven, subconsciously, into preoccupation.
There is also the aspect of equilibrium, so far as performance management is concerned. It is one thing to get enough rest and get enough mental downtime; it is precisely another to keep a cap on the bottle, or to soak up the liquid of emotion as it might seep out, as the mind takes leave on a flight of fancy. Sure, we say it won’t happen to us, but stranger things have been known to happen.
Soaking up the momentousness of an upcoming occasion, where history will be written, is not an easy feat. It requires a certain humility to stay grounded in reality; an honouring of the truth of a given moment.
Such a soaking up process requires us to enjoy the moment as it comes, yet to store nothing of it that leaves us contemplating beyond a humble discipline – unless it is a team contemplation written, in effect, by the coaches.
A playoff is a momentous occasion, just like getting married or having a baby is. Every player has a responsibility to prepare mentally, not just physically. Preparation is a holistic affair. Employing the ability of soaking up the high and low moments in the preparation phase is a wise thing for each player to engage in. They remind themselves the job’s not done yet. And they have our prayers.
© 2013 S. J. Wickham.


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