When times are tough we gravitate to what we know even if that’s an unhealthy pattern. And at the end of our weeks, as we reflect and plan for the one upcoming, we’re easily anxious for what is still days away.
Juxtaposed with this is the logical person in us who can easily beat down the fear within, not taking the fright seriously enough. Both sides of our person — the adult and child within — are hence, at times, at odds with one another. No wonder sometimes we’re all at sea.
Some, though not many, are quick to dismiss this. They do not face this struggle. Their reality is quite logical, and depression and anxiety seems nonsensical to them. That’s their lot; they’re blessed in their congruence of thought.
But many, many more are not so ‘blessed,’ or not in the perfection of this.
To the Analytical of Mind
When we consider the person with the ‘analytical mind’ we think of them in quite glowing terms. It sounds as if they’re more intelligent. They certainly do think a lot. In fact, they’re ‘bound’ more or less to their thoughts, even at times beyond their own wills.
Where analysing situations ends and worrying begins is anyone’s guess. Analytical thinking is certainly not in the exclusive domain of worry but often the two do correlate.
Could it be that the analytical mind is one part of the personality that ventures ‘vital’ information for processing to another part of the personality that doesn’t partake?
Closure to anxious thoughts should be attainable. Why it doesn’t happen that easily for the many is quite a mystery.
A Problem Produced from Analytical Thinking
Preconceived notions come from the worried mind that has become preoccupied with solving whatever problem or problems that are before it. The trouble is many preconceived notions operate off false or partially incorrect information.
Contrast this with the sound mind which trusts its instinct, besides wise preparation, and therefore is used to performing very well on a ‘just in time’ stage. It preconceives very little and therefore it judges things accurately on merit.
Most if not all of us have both minds, and there are only varying degrees regarding the roles each play. Some fight with a 50/50 share; both minds competing for attention and this creates a lot of confusion; chaos of the mind and heart.
One Solution
Both minds must coexist. And, from the outset, we really must take our inner worries and concerns seriously.
The small child — or worried mind — within must find a warm welcome, and love, from the higher adult mind. Likewise, the adult — or sound mind — within must understand its role and its responsibility.
As the one managing the affairs of our personalities, the adult ‘sound’ mind must quell the child ‘worried’ mind, but not by rejecting. It must respect and accept the fears our personalities feel. This way we love ourselves and we experience less dissonance within. Patience with the self is required.
Two (or more) sides of the personality then can become one. Our person can then be congruent and less anxious and stressed. Better still, we’re enabled to experience more pure joy and are able to love others better.
When our minds and hearts combine interdependently like this there really is no limit on us. All barriers are smashed.
It really is about our logical selves soothing our fearful selves.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
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