Truly, the best is still coming. We cannot even imagine what is in our futures. Despite the paralysing encounters which almost certainly comprise part of our futures, the future is brighter than the present time.
We cannot even know just how good!
“Could be worse,” was the beautiful thought of the man still grieving the loss of his wife.
They’d been married twenty years.
Wakes he does from his slumber, just like every other morning, and the miserable pain of reality again sets in as he considers his moment. Yet, he knows all too keenly now that the world limps along with him. There is so much suffering. His own anguish has merely called his own heart open to it.
It could be far worse. To this he is uplifted to live out his day with integrity and compassion.
When we desire and come to expect change—and, indeed, as it becomes imminent—we hardly expect things to actually get worse. But often they do.
Whether we welcome the change or not, change is never fully comfortable or satisfying. It’s work.
As the change unfolds and all people subject to it are given time to adapt, we settle into the new reality and it hardly appears as we perhaps preconceived it. The important thing is, is it operating as it was designed?
A useful M.O.:
Endure the change. Outlast it. Try not to have a perspective. Why suffer delusions when they’re so unnecessary?
We come with nothing. We leave with nothing.
There can be no peace where there is no contentment, and contentment lies directly in the middle of expecting, requiring, securing and engendering nothing.
This is the secret to a truer spirituality.
How often are we manipulated not by others but by our own consciences with regard to our perceptions of others’ expectations of us?
We—not they—are holding ourselves to ransom. It is like volunteering to be handcuffed and blindfolded before an enemy.
It is a great skill then to work on how to remove issues of guilt from within. We do not exist to please anyone other than God.
What is generally considered by many a great gift and skill is a bane and a curse to many of those who have it. These are those who constantly analyse what they think and feel.
But surely there is a place where the personality surrenders to the analysing mind and lets it roam freely. Certainly, there is much to learn—this here is our tool.
These analytical thoughts should not hurt us if we’re not held in contempt by them.
It’s only when what we’re thinking about is or becomes of key importance to us that we have a problem.
The faith that doesn’t care what it gets and doesn’t get is a great supplementary gift to the analytical thinker. Seek it and we shall find.
© 2010 S. J. Wickham.
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