Be careful in your striving to not grab at something now that might see you missing out on that greater thing to come.
We’re ambitious creatures to the very last one of us. Especially it’s known of those in their early thirties and forties; that the pull of achievement is a desire not easily tempered.
In this is a warning, however. We can so easily become too focused on one goal ‘now’ that we miss the bigger and more individually-pertinent goal for the future.
The Outrageous Twists and Turns of Life
I quite often wonder if ten years ago I’d have seen what I’ve done and what I’m doing now, how I would have felt back then in the knowledge of these facts. I think I’d have been amazed; none of it I would have chosen or predicted, and yet I couldn’t be happier—in the general sense. I wonder if you relate.
We achieve and endure so much in life that we don’t even set out to achieve or endure, which simply proves right the proverb, “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord” (Proverbs 16:33 [NIV]).
Where we’ll be in ten years time—beyond our hopes, dreams and plans—is truly anyone’s guess and certainly only God knows. And, still, we must plan.
Achieving the Truest Desires of Our Hearts
Here is a worthy saying on the subject:
“Delight yourself in the Lord
and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
~Psalm 37:4 (NIV).
How can we know what the true desires of our hearts are if we haven’t enquired with God of them? We think we know what our desires are, but how often are we confused by a plethora of shifting desires—short only of conquering the known world?
This below is one thing I’ve found to be true of life.
God will give us one thing right now—it’s that thing that’s closest to our truest heart and the mode of delivery is via simply commencing it, however small. This involves a journey into ourselves. We will not know that desire of our innermost hearts until we make this journey.
In essence this journey to our destiny is discoverable only by us, and most times we’re surprised by what God has us to find.
We are blessed to focus our lives on this one thing we can build our whole identities around.
It’s not a small fad-of-the-day thing; it’s a thing of eternal significance for us... in other words, this one thing is big. It consumes us in the very best of ways.
The ‘Crystal-Ball’ Balancing Act
We too easily take opportunities too early or leave them until it’s too late. This balancing act almost requires a crystal-ball to determine what’s right for us at the time, but of course, we know that crystal balls do not work.
Our truest goal regarding opportunities (as they present) should be simply to honour God’s choice as it is best discerned by us.
Therein lays the blessing in coming to the right understanding of ourselves so we know what is for us and what isn’t—for there are many traps that have us wasting our time in life. (And we’ve all been there!)
© 2010 S. J. Wickham.
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