A period actor steps out of their trailer and gently jogs onto set. They appear absorbed and, at this point in time, are neither their character nor themselves.
With consummate ease their focus subsumes them; they perform perfectly first cut.
Are they professional or purposeful, or both?
Both... and more. Getting into character is the actor’s job. They have to find ways to address gaps between their own personality and that of the character, in their presentation of the role, and give identity to it.
Assuming Our Spiritual Character
Many of us can be slow to ask. Does being spiritual mean we’re to be much different compared with how we normally are?
It’s a good question. On the outside there’s probably not much discernable difference, unless people notice us as more quiet or calmer than usual.
But within is where spiritual beings are alone with themselves and with God.
Within ourselves we step into the Spiritual tempest, but only when we’ve assumed Spiritual character—the holiness of right fitment with God; the heart that enters the hallowed ground of entrance with the Divine Being.
Assuming Spiritual character is hence a time of reflection, of spilling the burden of sin via repentance, of reflecting over God’s holiness and our individual need of the Lord.
A Separate and Safe Part of Ourselves
If we’ve always got another ‘place’ within ourselves to climb into, we always have safe refuge from the wiles of the world and of Satan.
God is this place, for the Almighty is heavenly sanctuary.
Of course, God is within us, as the Divine Being is everywhere at all times. We’re no less endowed of the Lord’s Spiritual Presence at the deeper visceral level.
This is a place we can go at any time we wish. When the world is rushed, scary, boring, tiring or maddening, it’s the Spiritual cave of the Lord that we can climb into—by manner of knowledge of God’s Presence.
This can happen, with enough practice, in the crowded room as anywhere.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.